Course shooting is a dynamic form of shooting sport in which speed and motor skills are important in addition to precision.
Competitors try to get the most points in the shortest time possible by hitting special targets that are arranged in different ways in so-called stages. These stages can be short, medium or long.
Paper targets (ipsc cards) that can be used both standing and moving are fired, and metal targets (plates and poppers) can be used stationary as well as moving.
The shooter usually has to move around the track to be able to shoot all targets and at medium and long stages, often also has to make a magazine change.
Course shooting is freestyle whereby the shooter decides in which order the stage is shot; but of course within the strict rules that are always under the supervision and careful eye of a RO (range officer).
IPSC handgun has several divisions:
* Open class
* Standard class
* Production class
* Revolver class
* Production optic klasse
In the Netherlands, course shooting falls under the NPSA.
If you would like to shoot course competitions, you must be sufficiently skilled as a shooter and for this you must follow a 2 day basic course with exam at the NPSA and close it positively.
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