Level 2...

You have now completed the NPSA basic course and you have passed.

A very nice result because it is certainly not an easy course with of course the exam where you are closely monitored under the necessary time pressure.


The NPSA license can be compared to your driver's license..... you passed it but to become a really experienced shooter (driver) takes some time, of course depending on how much you train (and with whom)


Many shooters who have obtained the NPSA license find the gap to the first game too big, they have no idea what to expect, which of course causes a lot of stress.


If you want to improve yourself and start shooting matches, but you think the step from basic course to competition is too big, Level 2 is the ideal answer. We are going to train competition elements all day long

(but starting with the basics) to end with a nice internship that we will of course analyze together.


What do we do:



Trigger control

Life fire

Double taps

Shooting Steel

Move from left to right and vice versa

Move from front to back and vice versa

Walking shooting

Moving Targets


Focus on difficult and easier targets together

Tips and tricks

Stage shooting plus analysis


What do you need:

  • NPSA License
  • Valid leave for owning the weapon to be used
  • Valid membership of a recognized shooting club
  • A weapon suitable for IPSC/course, minimum caliber 9x19
  • 3 magazines (or moonclips for revolver)
  • 3 warehouse bags (pouches)
  • A well-fitting holster that covers the trigger
  • A sturdy belt
  • Eye and ear protection
  • 500 cartridges



Get your stuff in order, that's half the battle.

If you don't have a holster/magazine bags yet, consult a specialized gun store (see bottom of the page) where everything is in stock and good advice can be given.


In addition to a good pistol, belt and holster, clothing has also started to play a greater role in recent years.

Provide light shoes with a good grip, pants with some stretch and a smooth shirt that is not too loose.


Of course we are always available for questions.

feel free to email us.

I want to book a course
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